
பிறப்பு 07 AUG 1931
இறப்பு 20 MAR 2020
அமரர் பத்மாதேவி கதிரேசன்
வயது 88
அமரர் பத்மாதேவி கதிரேசன் 1931 - 2020 ஆனைக்கோட்டை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

From Bhagabati and family 06 APR 2020 United Kingdom

Dearest Amma, How can I believe that you are physically not with us anymore? By numbers, over 7 years is not that long, but emotionally and by heart I feel I have been with you forever. When I first met you, I don’t know why I called you, “Amma” and you replied to me, “Other people call me auntie but I like the way you call me Amma.” From your departure, I feel sad and I’m in despair, probably the mighty God knows. Every time when I walk around the house, you are still in your bed and chair. I call you, Amma? but you won’t answer me. My daily routine used to start saying Good morning to you and chanting bhajan with you. You were my strength in my so many ups and downs. You were my mentor to show me the way. You were part of my life with whom I had promised to be till the end of your life. You are one of the most beautiful, lovely and kind hearted person I have met in my life. I know more than anyone that how close you were to your sister. I am so lucky that all your daughters, Dharshi acca, Pami, Subo and all your extended families are become a part of my life. Amma physically I’ve said goodbye for you but you will be with me till the end of my day. May my sweet amma’s heart and soul rest in peace now ???. And we will meet one day, until I will keep you alive in my memories, thoughts and prayers ? ?????