Dear Kumaranayagam, Mahaluxmi, brothers and relatives. I received the demise of your beloved brother, Bhuvananayagam yesterday, from Sri Krishnananthan, from Jaffna and Mahaluxmi from Perth. It was a shock and I couldn't beleive in such a short period he fell sick and this tragedy occurred. I've seen him as a quite decent intelligent boy in my young age in Earlalai, as a classmate of my brother Thanikasalam. We all played cricket in Earlalai west MadaAalayam temple grounds in our school days along with our village friends. He is a keen, good player and a loveable person by everyone in the team. Bhuvananyagam excelled in his studies and we were proud about him, when he entered university in Sri Lanka, from our village and qualified as an engineer in his young age. Later, we left Ceylon and never seen each other. Its very unfortunate and the pain for his wife, his children, relatives and friends to accept his sudden passing away. I pray, his soul to rest in peace with supreme god. Ohm Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi. Mailvaganam Balu Balasubramaniam & family Canberra Australia. 27 August 2020