
மண்ணில் 12 JUL 1939
விண்ணில் 11 JUL 2021
அமரர் முருகேசு உருத்திரன்
Retired Accountant, Dean – School of Business and Management studies, Nigeria
வயது 81
அமரர் முருகேசு உருத்திரன் 1939 - 2021 மல்லாகம், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Our Deepest Sympathies
Late Murugesu Ooruthiran
1939 - 2021

Losing someone we love is nothing easy, but knowing that we have been able to be a part of the life of that person, we can realize that we are blessed to have been able to share in that life before the soul went to rest in eternal salvation. Our heartfelt condolences to Sutha. Ravi, Murali and Senthil and their families over the death of your beloved father, father in law and grandfather. May his soul rest in peace with the Lord Almighty. Amen. From: Mr and Mrs. Mariathas, KIshore and Family

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