
தோற்றம் 22 SEP 1954
மறைவு 07 JUN 2014
அமரர் குமாரசாமி நல்லையாப்பிள்ளை இராசநாயகம் (ராஜ்)
வயது 59
அமரர் குமாரசாமி நல்லையாப்பிள்ளை இராசநாயகம் 1954 - 2014 நயினாதீவு, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Anna is always in my heart. Anna was the first visible god I had. Anna helped me so much, if it was not for him, I would not have studied and got a good education. Anna was so selfless - anyone that crossed path with him left enriched and happy. All he wanted, till the day he died was for his friends, family and community to study and happy. Anna always wanted me to get a Phd, although I could not, I am proud that Anna not only got into Jaffna university, whilst working and taking care of his 7 siblings and parents, but also he managed to get a Phd in Sociology at Kings College London. I will never forget his words, his advice and what he has done for me. I am forever grateful. It saddens me that he is not with us today but I will never forget him - he is the only person that paved a right path for me and I had a good future because of it. Anna will forever be in my heart. Om shanthy Shanthy Shanthy.
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