
பிறப்பு 30 OCT 1932
இறப்பு 25 MAR 2020
அமரர் கந்தையா அமிர்தலிங்கம் 1932 - 2020 மலேசியா, Malaysia Malaysia

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Kaarthic and Shyama Mahasivam 28 MAR 2020 New Zealand

Dear Lingam Thatha/Uncle We will miss your beautiful smile and warm energy whenever you greet us. We will miss the kindness you show when talking to us and the amount of enthusiasm you have when talking about absolutely anything. Amma is especially thankful for the love you showed her when you opened your house to her when Ammama has moved abroad. She tells me of deeply grateful she is for the love you showed. We are both so happy to have known you and pray you are happy wherever you are.