
Born 01 AUG 1928
Rest 08 JAN 2023
Late Jeremiah Sithamparanathan
Age 94
Late Jeremiah Sithamparanathan 1928 - 2023 Jaffna, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka


Jeyakumar, (New Zealand) 11 JAN 2023 New Zealand

Although we are separated by 25 years in age, we two were good friends, due to my interest in Vedanta and Uncle having a good grasp of Advaita (non-dual) philosophy. Often I visited Uncle’s place to be with him and have discussion on this subject matter. One’s life is a continuous search for the SELF. When one comes across a fellow being with similar interest, there is no wonder they get attracted to each other. After associating with Uncle, my interest in Ramana Maharishi increased manifold, specially Maharishis question "Who am I". Few of Uncle's works on Advaita Philosophy are still in my digital library which I frequent to clarify, from time to time. On the funeral day, seeing his body in the casket kindled a thought in my mind, that he has dropped his outermost sheath (sthula sarira - gross body) yet he is very much there as SAT-CHIT-ANANDA. Following is one of the points we discussed quite recently. “Mouna is a state transcending speech and thought. It is the most perfect expression of Pure Being.” Oum Shanthi.