
பிறப்பு 28 OCT 1940
இறப்பு 01 JAN 2023
அமரர் இந்திராணி சிவானந்தன்
வயது 82
அமரர் இந்திராணி சிவானந்தன் 1940 - 2023 கொழும்புத்துறை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Elangco 02 JAN 2023 United Kingdom

My Dearest Rani mami, I will cherish the memories of the deep and warm affection you had for me when we grew up. Before moving to Jaffna, I used to rush to your house as soon as I arrived from Colombo during the holidays and spent most of it with you and your children (my cousins). I was so excited when we moved to Jaffna in 1977 so I could spend more time with you all. It was no surprise then you were the first person I called for a visit soon after completing my degree (my first holiday outside of UK). I still remember the exciting conversation we had during our call, planning the trip. You were happy to welcome me, even if your home was busy with a new grandchild arriving only a few weeks before. You even woke me up in the mornings with an offering of variety of breakfasts. You would be the first person I would visit on my subsequent visits to Toronto. That will be no more. I am glad that we were able to spend some time together during your first granddaughter's wedding a few years ago. That memory will stay with me. I will miss your warm smile and your regular affectionate phone calls. You leave a huge gap and fond memories.