
Born 29 JAN 1934
Rest 17 AUG 2024
Mrs Indrani Benjamin 1934 - 2024 Uduvil, Jaffna, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Mrs Indrani Benjamin
1934 - 2024
My Thangam Ammoi

My Thangam Ammoi, Even though we were miles apart, you were always close to my heart. The distance never lessened my love for you, and now, even though you’ve gone to be with the Lord, that love remains as strong as ever. I think of you often—how you lived such a full life, filled with grace, wisdom, and faith. Your strength amazed me, and your unwavering belief in God’s goodness was a light in my life, even from afar. I wish I could have been there with you more, to hold your hand and hear your voice, but I hope you felt my love across the distance. I miss our phone calls, your voice always so warm and reassuring, reminding me that no matter how far away we were, we were never truly separated. You were my connection to home, to the roots that shaped me. Now, as I face this world without you, I carry those roots with me, grounded in the love and values you instilled in me. I imagine you now in Heaven, finally free from the burdens of this world, surrounded by God’s eternal peace rejoined with appoi. I know you’re reunited with loved ones, watching over all of us with that same gentle smile. It comforts me to think of you in that place, where all you’ll be experiencing is joy in the Lord. Thank you ammoi, for the sacrifices you made, the love you gave, and the lessons you taught me. Your legacy lives on in me, and I will do my best to honor you in all that I do. I know we will be together again one day, and until then, I’ll hold onto the precious memories we shared. Until we meet again, Jeeva 💔

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