Our dearest Gowri!!! Akka & I and our children ...... how can we forget the days from "Selvagiri" to all the places we were stationed? You travelled with us; you were our pet and affectionate chithi to our (your) children! You looked after them and cared for them, more than we did. We were fortunate to exchange messages until the last days; especially the voice messages. Your wit and humour was always special. The recorded messages are consoling us now! More than Akka and me, our (Your) children are missing you so much!!! What to say? We all have to leave the world one Let us console us with the golden order of the world!!! Good bye Angel!!! -- Akka (Sivamalar), Aththan (Divakalala), Sweetie, Honey, Nisha and Priya with beautiful memories cherished --
Our deepest sympathies to Arungunam and family. Bala and Anusha Thuraisingham