
பிறப்பு 14 DEC 1924
இறப்பு 04 DEC 1985
அமரர் E K சண்முகநாதன்
Advisor to Ministry of Finance Kaduna State, Nigeria, Senior Director of Education, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka(1980-1983), Senior Vice President-Sri Lanka Principal’s Union, President- Northern Province Principal’s Association, Principal-Jaffna Central College(1971-1980), Principal- Kopay Christian College(1963-1971), Founder & President -Neervely Creche(founded 1956),Jaffna, Sri Lanka
வயது 60
அமரர் E K சண்முகநாதன் 1924 - 1985 நீர்வேலி, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

K Ganesh 04 DEC 2020 United Kingdom

He was a principal for a short period Before going to Jaffna Central College. Something happened and Mr. Sabalingam came to Hindu and went to Central. My uncle Mr. Ponnudurai was a teacher at Kopay Christian College and was said that his principal's star was Sukkra thisai and he would be reached a very high position. There were three selected grade principals Mr. Shanmuganathan, Mr. Sabalingam, and Vembadi principal Miss Thambaih.