In Loving Memory of Calista Selvanayagam's 1st Year Remembrance.
They say Time has magical healing powers, yet a year has passed since you left us and
that pain still remains in our hearts.
Courageous, joyful and exquisite; these are the words we remember you by every day.
Memories of you, small or big, are etched in our minds, which no one can steal – not
even Time.
Your footsteps and hand on our shoulders can be heard and felt with the silent wind,
comforting us.
How quickly Time can pass and turn into years, yet we will always love you and
remember you every single day.
May you continue to watch over us, guide us and protect us, as we continue to hold you
dear in our hearts until the end of Time.
Forever remembered by your Children, In-laws and Grandchildren.
We are honoured and blessed to have known this beautiful condolences. Frank & Mani Sebastianpillai