I thought i write this last letter anyway as a send out respect to you. I still have few treasured memories from past. When we were little our parents used to bring us to Vavuniya . Even-though this is not frequent, few trips we had still stays embedded to our heart. Once i came with Vimala Maami by train. It is a long trip from Galle to Vavuniya. We packed our lunches and got in to train . Ate our packed lunch on our way. Not like nowadays you buy things outside. Even we carried a water bottle. I can remember eating warm puttu with mangoes and curries that you prepare at home. I made a mess in Bamini Accas drawing book and made her upset. I can still remember you stitched a dress with embroidered rabbit on it. Once i came with whole family. Going from periappa house to your house and then walking to mathi uncles house. Such a simple life and full of happiness. After a long time i was able to see you in 2012. Unfortunately was not able to meet you that often given the distance we are living in. I wanted you to know even we did not talk much you are in our hearts. I want to say RIP along with my whole Family, Ukku Maami,Kannan,Indu . With Love Jayanthi Balan Selvanayagam)
Please accept our condolences to you and your family.